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22, Jul 2024

Correctly Measure A Product’s Market Size

How often have your rolled your eyes when hearing about a new product's $1 billion market size potential? Yeah, us too. It's exciting to imagine hockey-stick style growth curves when launching a new product. But, the reality is often far different. Flawed approaches to measuring market size lead businesses to overestimate demand for a product [...]

03, Jul 2024

Using Research For A Successful Rebrand

Legacy brands must work hard to stay fresh and compete in crowded categories. It isn't enough to have once been relevant. You need to stay relevant. Rebranding is a powerful approach to maintain relevancy. But it's no easy feat. After all, a successful rebrand isn't just updated logos and color schemes. It's a broader process [...]

12, Jun 2024

Why NPS Tells You Very Little

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) method of measuring customer satisfaction is a simple approach to quickly gauge consumer sentiment. In use for nearly twenty years, NPS is used as a proxy for business resiliency, customer loyalty, and other key performance indicators. But, its very simplicity makes it an extremely limited metric. Its sole focus on [...]

03, May 2024

The Best Ways To Use Zero-Party Data

Capturing customer data is no longer a "set it and forget it" mechanism. With everything from government regulations to customer expectations driving when and how data can be collected, organizations must be increasingly thoughtful about where they source data. Enter zero party data. As a rich source of data direct from customers, zero party data [...]


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